Friday, August 31, 2012

Streeeeetched Magazine Pictures

This lesson emphasises movement and rhythm in an artwork. I originally got this lesson plan idea from a visit at Mill Creek High School, so I have to give those art teachers credit for the idea.  The students first take a magazine image that is at least half of a page in size. They cut it ou and trace it perfectly. They then fill it in with colored pencils, trying hard to match up the colors, highlights, and shaded areas. This is another lesson that helps them to actually LOOK at what they are trying to draw instead of drawing what is in their heads. For example, a red car will have various colored reflections, white areas and darker areas, and various other colors in it. Many students will color it red, but then we have to go back and see what is there. When it is finished, they cut a strip of each (1 cm or so) and glue stick the strips down, alternating between the original magazine image and the drawing. They must line up the sides, not the image, or it won't work.


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